Monday, 21 December 2015

Cutting the Strings

Greetings from Volcano Village, Big Island of Hawaii!

I have had a good internet connection and plenty of quiet solitude for the past couple of weeks, and have watched some very disturbing videos that are easily available to anyone online.   It is quite horrifying to me that these movies can by easily accessed by children.

I have mostly stayed away from the cyberspace world for many years now, for the most part deliberately limiting my time online to uploading my creative expressions and communicating with all of you.   Recently while simply attempting to access weather information online, I had firewall alerts that I have never encountered before warning me of attempts to access my computer.  

I woke up this morning with a mental vision that I feel came in response to my concern about people who are blindly caught up in the overwhelming aspects of life demanded by current lifestyle trends which require increasing amounts of technological engagement in order to participate in day-to-day life in "modern" Western society.  I am also concerned about children who are learning most of what they know from online or televised information that is ALWAYS filtered through someone else's perceptions of reality and value system.

Rather than being out in the natural world learning from their own direct experience about how to create what they imagine and to co-create in magical ways with life itself, children today who are caught up in electronic games and electronic media are instead "in training" to become little button-pushing consumers, blindly, robotically, responding to directives and focused upon "winning the game."

The image I saw this morning was of puppets all over the world, cutting the strings that were jerking them around at the whim of some invisible puppet master.   I saw the deep need for people to wake up and make very conscious, aware choices about every aspect of their lives.  I saw them awakening, realizing who the puppet masters in the outer world are and how they operate.

And even more importantly, waking up to recognize the puppet masters within themselves that are actually holding the reins that limit their experience.  (Old limiting belief patterns, woundings, fears, doubts, etc.)

I see a quiet, peaceful revolt of each person empowering him/herself to be fully alive and Self-motivated, consciously creating rather than reacting, able to perceive the unseen strings, which - unless consciously recognized and deliberately cut - will jerk one around, resulting in unconscious, automatic obedience. 

Most of you who are reading this will have already cut many, if not all, of your own strings and I celebrate your intention to be who you truly are and dance your own dance of the expanding Heart, choosing to be awake and aware and heart-centered in each moment of life.

Here in Hawaii the magic of life -- of true organic earth-centered, heart-centered, spirit-centered life, life that is lived in relation to the natural world, to the Earth and and all her creatures -- is very strong and vital and ever present.   I find that spending time in nature, communing with Gaia and All That Is, and feeling the natural rhythms of life is so very important for those of us who are choosing to dance our own dance, living true to our most Expanded experience of ourSelves.

On this day of the Solstice, I celebrate LIFE and our freedom to BE uniquely ourSelves!


The Earth Re-Creating Herself

Greetings from Volcano Village, Big Island of Hawaii!

Walking through the forest yesterday, we arrived at a special spot near the crater, the site of a relatively recent lava flow.  A place of stark contrast, smooth lava patterns mixed in with explosive, random shapes and structures with razor sharp edges and rough, abrasive, skin-cutting surfaces.

In this place, incredibly hot lava flowed amongst the trees, cooling around the tree trunks, burning and totally destroying the trees themselves, while leaving behind these volcanic molds - lava castings that memorialize the death and passing of these previous life forms:

Amidst the stark volcanic rock formations, new trees are now growing, vibrantly alive and blossoming.  I feel tremendous awe as I witness the power of the Earth, destroying and then re-creating herself anew.

Happy Solstice to you all!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

The Spine of My Life

Over a month ago, while doing a Creational Sounding session with someone, I “saw” as a vision in my mind’s eye, a laser-thin, vertical red line.  I recognized this as representing the energy running through one’s pranic tube, and because it was so thin and sharply defined - I interpreted it as a symbol for one’s core essence and unique life purpose.  I later drew a picture of it to remind myself, because this simple image felt very, very important.

During the session, as I continued sounding with this image in mind, it was like the threads of life started growing, spreading out from it, and I realized I was being shown how when one got clear and focused on expressing one’s core essence and purpose, then one’s life could easily form itself around this inner clarity and knowing of what was in alignment with one's purpose.

Visualizing this red line/core essence of one's life purpose makes it easier for one to stay centered, discern and calmly follow one's own unique path, sidestepping situations that cause one to get caught in the frantic swirling chaos that is happening all around one these days.

Recently, while watching Clay Lomakayu’s Medicine of One videos on Youtube (see links below), I found a couple clips where he talks about “the spine of your life,” - different words for this very same concept.  I highly recommend you watch them if you feel at all drawn to do so.  He shares his ideas in a shamanic language that truly speaks to me.  

Many years ago at the time of the summer Solstice, I was called to visit a sacred place up in the mountains on the South Island of New Zealand that is called the “Birthplace of the Gods,” and I was guided to create this sound sculpture:

This image has been an extremely important one to me, one that is still guiding my path.  In the months following the “vision” that led to the creation of the sound sculpture, I was led to work daily in creating Aum spirals, sounding continuous Aum's while visualizing spirals of energy coming down to my from the highest, purest Divine source and the purest high frequency energy of Gaia coming up into my heart from the core of the Earth.  By creating and putting myself within this energetic tube in this way, I have found that I can quickly connect to that "red line"/core essence - to what Clay calls "the spine of my life."

It took me a while to figure out the meaning of the second symbol, but over time I came to realize it was about focusing, clarifying, simplifying every aspect of my life.  Gradually, step-by-step, one release after another, I have been narrowing down, returning to my core essence and uniqueness, clarifying what is for me to do - or not, and what is best for me to release attachment to, or simply walk past without engaging.  And this clarifying process has helped me find my "red line" knowing what is best for me to allow to grow around me that supports and feeds my unique gifts and talents.

The vision for the third part of the sculpture was a pyramid with a ball of light shining out the top.  (It was interesting to attempt to depict light and the geometric shape of a pyramid when I was working only with the stones available at the site!)

So the meaning I have received from this set of symbols is that when you align with Source energies and are able to deeply connect with Earth energies, simplify your life and focus upon coming into alignment with that which is truly yours to create and experience, that you become a powerful light in the world.

May your unique light shine forth powerfully through you with great beauty and joy!


Clay Lomakayu’s Medicine of One videos on Youtube

Two videos that particularly spoke to me:

Thursday, 3 December 2015

The Sea Turtle Waves Back

Yesterday, Dec. 2, I was called to visit a beach where sea turtles are often seen lying in the sun on the black sand beach.  Looking down along the beach I didn't see any turtles, so I walked out on the boulders near the parking lot and sang to the ocean and the high winds that were creating a magnificent show of waves and high-flying plumes of ocean spray as they danced together.

No sea turtles in sight, I turned to leave, but felt called to walk down the beach anyway.  What had looked like a large stone from a distance turned out to be a very large and magnificent sea turtle.  I didn't have a camera with me, so you'll just have to imagine a sea turtle that was much larger and more ancient looking than this one:

I spoke to it, thanking it for all the many lessons I have learned from sea turtles over the years and asked it to communicate to all sea turtles my gratitude for all the important insights I have gotten from spending time with them.

The sea turtle moved his "shoulder" slightly and I felt he was acknowledging that he would pass on the message.

Many years ago, I wrote a song for sea turtles which depicts their slow, graceful movements in the water - a strong pull with their front flippers followed by a long, relaxed glide.  On a couple of occasions, I taught this sea turtle song to a few other people.   After that, when I was snorkeling, I would often have sea turtles approach me face-to-face and then turn, inviting me to swim along with them for awhile, side-by-side.

So, when this huge sea turtle acknowledged hearing me, I sang the sea turtle song for him.   Here I was on the beach, moving my arms widely as if I were pulling my way through the water, while I was singing to him, with tourists standing all around us.

As I was coming to the end of the song, the sea turtle raised one of it's front flippers way up in the air about a foot or more above its body.  Since sea turtles usually lie on the sand in almost complete stillness, this flipper-wave felt like a very deliberate and clear acknowledgement of his receiving my song to him.

I left in tears of deep gratitude for our sacred connection and communion.

I have been wondering how many of the scenes in the High Tide Trilogy movies were to be filmed. The intention is that the living creatures in the movie actually participate co-creatively.  I was filled with the knowing that this will be possible, that the creatures will "hear us" and will show up and be able to participate as needed.

Returning to the very quiet, peaceful place where I have been staying for the past couple of days (which quickly manifested after my clarity about what I needed for my own health and well-being which came out of the goat adventure), I also realized that the sea turtle had called me to remind me what to do to not only for dealing most effectively with combative situations, but to avoid creating them for myself in the first place.

I was filled with the knowing that it was time to relax and recuperate.   I now have a room that catches the sun most of the day, but I hadn't taken the time yet to simply sit still and soak up the sunlight.

My communion with the sea turtle reminded me of one of the lessons I had learned from observing sea turtles on previous visits to Hawaii:  If you want to play out in the big waves and deal with huge forces that can bash you into rocks, then you have to take time to lie in the sun and harden your shell.

So I sat still for a while, just quietly soaking up the healing rays of the sun.

The other thing I remembered learning years ago as I watched my sea turtle teachers as they rode the waves in and out of the rocks along the shore, was that thet let themselves be carried by the movement of the waves.  If they landed in an awkward position, they would simply enjoy whatever was available in the situation, munching away on anything within reach.  Then, rather than struggling and working hard to get themselves into a better position, they would simply wait for the next wave to come that was big enough to easily lift them up and carry them off and out, into the deeper waters of the ocean once again.

May we all allow the tides of life to bring us with ease and grace to the perfect place at the perfect time.   May we all remember to take the time to sit in the sun, center in stillness, preparing ourselves for dealing with life's challenging moments.


Close Encounter With A Goat

The phone was ringing a lot at the place where I was staying on the morning of Thanksgiving.  I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the loud, speaker-phone conversations as the phone kept ringing repeatedly and decided to go outdoors to the ceremonial circle to shift my energy and sing my gratitude to the land.  

There is a resident goat living at this place, who has been allowed to wander the property freely.  It has often practiced butting its head into any creature that it chose to focus upon and engage in this manner.  I had been warned about the goat and his particular predisposition, but although I had seen him around, I had kept my distance, and had never before had any problems with him coming after me.

On this morning, however, I was holding a very different vibration than usual.  Although I was consciously intending to express my gratitude and was singing to to the land as I walked along out to the circle, appreciating the land and the green and growing things and the creatures of the property, I now realize that I was inwardly still vibrating with irritation at all commotion and non-stop phone activity in the house, feeling bombarded by all the conversations.   I was seeking a peaceful spot outwardly to help me regain my own inner sense of peacefulness.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the goat appeared and charged me.  At that moment I didn’t know why he was doing this, as he had never done this to me before, although I had heard some stories of his going after other people at various times.  

I tried to sidestep and he immediately charged again.  

I tried talking to him and telling him I didn’t want to fight with him.  

i tried sending him love and light.

I tried doing my Aum spirals to shift my energy, but in the presence of this attacking goat repeatedly charging me, I could feel in myself that I was not making any headway as I tried desperately to get my energy to a high enough frequency to shift states.  

I repeatedly put my hand on his head as he charged to prevent him from ramming my body, trying to get him to calm down and stop attacking me.  This probably only added fuel to the fire, making him see me as a possible foe and or perhaps even as a wonderful playmate.  

At that point, after more than a dozen separate attacks, I was feeling a bit afraid, because I obviously didn't know how to get him to stop.  When I finally turned and walked away, he simply circled around me raced ahead and came at me again.

I had literally, consciously, and deliberately tried everything I could possibly think of to prevent fighting with him, but finally in an emotional mixture of desperation and rage, hauled off and hit him as hard as I could in the side of his head, in an attempt to put an end to the encounter.  

It didn’t faze him at all - not one little tiny bit.  I realized afterward that his head is incredibly strong and especially designed for this ramming behavior.  But I did serious, extremely painful damage to my hand, which today, a week later, still shows the bruising where I broke some rather large arteries or veins in my wrist and palm.  It was an experience that I will never forget.

During the night following my encounter, I awoke realizing that the goat’s name was Hero - and that this encounter with him had demonstrated the role of the Hero to me (in a very physical, experiential way I will never forget).

I suddenly saw with great clarity how I had been repeatedly playing the role of Hero (and often unwanted Hero) in certain situations and how it continuously drained my energy as I "battled with" and tried to stop broadcasts of energy around me that I was perceiving as being negative or "wrong."  The people broadcasting in these ways, may have themselves been experiencing the energies totally differently, being at peace with and even enjoying what they were involved in.  They are designed for these activities, just as the goat is designed for butting heads, so they come away with little or no damage from interactions that leave me flattened and feeling bruised and battered.

The only way to deal with Hero (or anyone who enjoys combat and conflict) is to avoid getting myself into these kinds of situations, simply allowing everyone to experience what they choose to experience.  Focusing my attention on my creative pursuits would be a much better use of my energies.  Making sure I am holding a centered, peaceful vibration before heading out into the world is also incredibly important.

I have been reading Clay Lomakayu's book, Medicine of One (available at both before and after my episode with the goat.  He talks about the victim and warrior energies, and the deeply repressed emotions that keep us hooked into playing out various life patterns, repeatedly recreating our dramas and traumas in which we once again play out the roles we have come to know so well.  He also defines Soul Medicine in one of the chapters of his book.

After telling a good friend the story of the goat encounter, I hung up the phone, and suddenly remembered that during the night right before Thanksgiving, I had heard a noise that sounded like someone was ramming into the car just outside the house.  I had gone out to the screened-in porch to see what was causing it.  Hero was standing there below me, looking straight at me, not moving.  It felt a bit spooky to be stared at so steadily by a goat in this way in the middle of the night.  It was as if he was trying to communicate something to me, but I couldn't perceive what it was.

In dreams, I see a car as representing my vehicle through life, which for me is my creativity and self-expression and my EarthSong energy work.  I have been asking for help from All That Is to clear the way for my creative work to go to the next step.  This ramming of my "vehicle" is what I experience whenever I live in situations that carry a lot of (to me) upsetting emotional energy.  In trying to calm everyone down, I lose connection with my own core energies and my connection to the spine of my own life.

I now see my battle with the goat as being very important Soul Medicine.  Feeling what I felt, consciously witnessing what I was feeling as my emotions shifted in a very alive way within me during the course of our interaction gave me insight into deeply buried emotions that I had not been able to truthfully express at the time.  I now have a very intensely physical memory of the goat event, and carry a body knowing and experiential wisdom that will serve me well in situations I may be facing in the near future.  A sacred gift that keeps on giving.

Because of reading Clay's book (about creating and sitting in the Circle of one's life and bringing in all the aspects and emotions of that event and breathing compassion in, through, and around all of that) I connected with the aspect of the little girl within me who never felt that her creativity was received as being the heart and soul expression of her core essence.  

Hero alerted me to the old behavior/belief pattern and rammed the point home, and I can feel that important shifts have happened within me that will indeed allow me to nurture that creative, expressive, noisy little girl and move forward in new and very exciting ways with my journey as a creative person.

I have come away from this goat encounter with a deepened understanding that I need to be constantly aware of what I am really and truly feeling, for it is that emotional, vibrational, core energy I am radiating that are magnetizing my experiences in the outer world.  The feeling of inner peace must come first, with whatever appears to be happening, if I want to create peace in the outer world around me.

The energies of the planet and the rules of the game for living on planet Earth have been changing rapidly and are continuing to change.  Awareness of the actual vibration we each are carrying in each moment is powerful tool to use to help navigate these intense times of global purification.

Finally, although there is a lot of talk about world peace right now, perhaps peace is ultimately not the most important goal.  Perhaps it’s discovering and experiencing the feeling of deep connectedness to Life - a feeling of Oneness with all Life in ALL it’s many forms, flavors and expressions.   Perhaps it's simultaneously learning how to create and express that which I most want to create and express while here on Earth in physical form, while allowing everyone else to do the same.


Thursday, 26 November 2015

Gratitude & Blessings

I am deeply grateful to all the people in the world who are quietly involved in midwifing the New Earth and the New Humanity, particularly those that are working with children and providing experiences that allow them to be all of who they have come to be.  

I recently received this picture from a greatly esteemed friend of mine, Jaqueline Joy, who is master teacher of Reiki (South Island of New Zealand) and who has been teaching Reiki to children.

I got goose bumps looking at this picture.  I have had so many experiences myself with the new children during the past year, that I totally expect that humanity will actually make it through the Great Shift and help to create the New Earth.

When I asked for her permission to share the photo with others, she sent me a few more photos:

She wrote, "The three boys giving their tomato plants Reiki did this by themselves.  Their Mother found them like this and took the photos through her kitchen window so as not to disturb them.

The oldest boy Jordan is learning Reiki One.

How magical is that!"


I, myself, have even received energy transmissions from a couple of 5 month-old babies during the past year who, even at that young age, are already radiating such incredibly powerful energies.  

The first experience was on a flight from Brisbane to Los Angeles.  I was seated next to a young family and was immediately drawn to their infant son, Matteo.  Matteo and I took one look at each other and giggled and giggled and giggled.  His parents told me they'd never seen him do that before.

Reaching my final destination in Portland, Oregon, I expected to go through the usual fatigue/adjustment I go through after 40+ hours of traveling.  Instead, I felt like had received a "jump start" energetically and found myself feeling extremely happy and even frisky much of the time.  I now call my experience with Matteo a "Baby Blessing."

My second Baby Blessing occurred when I met this young man in Hilo, Hawaii.

After sharing stories with his father about the EarthSong work that I do as I travel around the world, he asked if I would like to hold Makoto and sing to him.  When I held Makoto in my arms, it didn't feel like I was holding a baby.  It felt like I was hold a master - a being who facilitated what I can only describe as some sort of energetic merge with me, allowing me to feel our Oneness.  It was an experience of a sensation that I will never forget, and one that I expect will become more and more common on the planet as these brand new, old souls arrive to help with the shift in global consciousness.

"And the children shall lead the way . . . "

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Feeling vs. Thinking My Way Through Life

Greetings From Wood Valley, Big Island of Hawaii!

The first time I was visited by a creature with incredibly long feelers was in the dark of night, inside my tent while I was camping in Portobello (on the Otago Peninsula of the South Island of New Zealand).  A very large critter (maybe 3 inches long) surprised me by hopping abruptly into view, perching itself on my suitcase, just a few inches away from where I was lying in my sleeping bag.   I have no idea how it got there and it was too dark to discover what it was exactly.  But it’s long feelers definitely caught my attention.  They were just about as long as its entire body!

Because its appearance was so magical, I felt it was bringing me a message.   Reminding me to feel my way through life, using the awareness of my heart and how I truly feel in each situation to guide me, rather than letting my rational mind dictate my next steps.

The second time one of these hopping, long-feelered creatures appeared,  I was staying at a home in Volcano, here on the Big Island, again trying to figure out where I was meant to go next.  Although I was being asked to leave, it just didn't feel right to leave quite yet.

My visitor hopped right onto the table where I was eating a meal and most adamantly resisted being taken outside, hopping back in through the doorway each time I tried to release it.  This one was smaller, but also black.  Although I longed to get a picture of it, my camera was deeply buried in a suitcase and not readily available.  I remember thinking at the time that I really wished I could have gotten a good picture of it. 

Early this morning, here in Wood Valley, I went out to pick some kale leaves in the garden to include in the soup I’m making today.  Back in the kitchen, washing the leaves I was surprised by this little creature, my third long-feelered friend.

It burst forth as I turned on the faucet and ran the kale under water to wash the leaves.  Hopping right onto my hand, it then rode along quite willingly as I went to the living room to search for my camera.  And it patiently stuck with me the entire time as I dug into my luggage . . .  found the camera . . .  took it out . . . and got it turned on!!!

If you enlarge the video below to full screen you'll be able to check out the size of the feelers on this thing.  A great teacher for reminding us to feel our way through life, huh?!

May we all remember to drop our focus down into our higher hearts, aligning with Source, Mama Earth and our personal Truth, so that we can most compassionately feel our way though each moment of life.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Finding the Soft Places

Greetings from Volcano Village, Big Island of Hawaii

I have been having a love affair with the thick, soft moss that grows abundantly here where I am currently staying in Volcano Village.  

On Monday I took a guided tour through a section of nearby rain forest that has existed here on the lava slopes of the volcano for at least a couple hundred years.  The guide was showing us the moss-covered mother logs and how they provide a nurturing, nutrient-filled space for all sorts of seedlings to get started.   

The decaying, moss-covered wood provides a softer, easier place for the newly forming roots of baby plants to grab hold than the rocky lava soil beneath.

Here, near the house, I have taken time to explore the moss, walking barefoot through the yard, grateful for it’s soft, cushiness beneath my feet.  

Out in today's world there are so many old structures dying and crumbling around us, that I find it very comforting to feel the softness of this moss.   It is inspiring to observe how the moss participates in the breakdown of old, .disintegrating forms of life while simultaneously providing optimum nourishing conditions for the growth and development of brand new life forms.

There are many rocky places and sharp edges to deal with during these times of rapid change and evolution.  May you find the soft places that best nurture your new, tender roots and provide comfort and deeply nurture your own personal emergence and expansion process!



PS  I have just listened to an interview with Ev Zepernick about the profound wisdom that comes from taking time find a soft place and to be in stillness to receive it.  If you feel called I strongly recommend you listen to the entire interview.  What she shares is very, very clear, and is very important information to have at this time in our planet's evolution. 

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Waipi'o Valley - Vibrational Gardens

Vibrational Gardens

After walking down to the beach in Waipi’o Valley for a second time and singing to the ancestors at the burial sites there, 

I received a “download” of very clear knowing that the third High Tide movie is to be about the creation and stewardship of vibrational gardens.  

I suddenly saw clearly that the places where I have been called to do EarthSong work here in Hawaii and during my last two trips to New Zealand have all been vibrational gardens of various kinds in various stages of awakening and development.  

I have observed that the humans who are stewarding these vibrational gardens have greater or lesser awareness of the true essence and purpose of their particular piece of land as well as varying degrees of self-awareness, and therefore have varying levels of ability to be living in greatest harmony with the land to/for which they are responsible. 

Vibrational gardens are places that enhance ability of all life forms, both physical and non-physical, to interact and commune with each other.  Depending on their purpose and nature, vibrational gardens emanate and amplify energies of various kinds and enhance humans in their ability to expand into their multi-dimensional selves in a multitude of ways.  Each vibrational garden is unique in the energies it is intended to receive, transduce and make available to those who interact with it.  

How these energies flow and interact with life forms is very much affected by the conscious awareness of the human beings who steward the sacred land.  The health, well-being and coherency of a vibrational garden is also affected by the  respect, reverence and unique gifts each visitor brings.

I experienced Waipi’o Valley as being a very active, multi-faceted vibrational garden.  It holds and flows many different kinds of powerful energies that allow one to connect more easily with other dimensions of being, with the spirits of the Ancestors and Ancient Ones, celestial beings, with Mama Earth, elemental forces. beings and all her creatures.

At the time I was there, it was offering highly charged, boosting amplification to whatever energy someone brought down into the valley with them, which at the time of my visit was a highly volatile and very mixed bag.  Waipi’o valley residents and visitors can have extremely profound, magical, experiences or very difficult, challenging - even life threatening experiences during their time there, depending upon their own energetic state and their personal and soul intentions.  With all the chaos, toxicity and denseness that was swirling around down there it was quite a discipline to keep centered and balanced within my own connection to Source and Earth energies for the five days and nights in the valley.

I had several different sorts of experiences during my stay.   A couple of times I became aware of something calling out to me in response to a question for which I had been seeking an answer.

While I was out walking along the roads, for example, I passed Noni trees in several different locations, and they called to me to take them and use them.  I had scratched myself on an exposed rusty screw tip the first night was in the cabin and so I took a very ripe one home and rubbed the squishy fruit on the cut and it took away the soreness and it healed very quickly and cleanly.

The noni trees continued to call out to me, so after I left the valley started looking for information about all their healing properties.  Here in Volcano, I stayed with someone who had a wonderful book about the healing powers of Noni and discovered that it has the ability to help with a couple of my health problems as it is a great booster of the entire immune system and can facilitate healing for an awesome number of conditions.

One morning I walked further up into the valley where I got to view these twin waterfalls.  

When I returned I found myself dancing with hula type movements and realized that I had connected with one of the Hawaiian ancestors, who was dancing through me.

Returning from my second trip to the beach, I found a much better path that helped me to avoid the squishy mud and pond of water covering the road.  

It was a higher path (to the right) that was not so obvious as the main road and the well-traveled, incredibly muddy area to the left.  A reminder that the best way to get through a difficult situation may not be the most obvious, most easily visible choice that most people would make.

Another very special moment of communion occurred during my first visit to the river where it meets the ocean.  

I sang to the Ancestor Spirits at the burial grounds and then to Ancient Ones and to the valley and to the ocean at the river mouth.  As I turned to leave and walk back to the cabin, I felt the message come that there was a gift for me on the beach, right at that corner where the fresh and salt waters met.

I turned and looked for some special rock or shell but instead was drawn to three seedpods lying in the sand. 

When I showed them to my friend Iliana later, she said that they are Kukui nuts from the candle nut tree - a gift from the Waipi'o valley symbolizing becoming enlightened with Divine gifts.

After receiving the Kukui nuts I stood for awhile in gratitude, feeling how that sacred place where the river returns the water to the great Oneness of the ocean (in fact, all vibrational gardens) provide a field of enhancing, amplifying energies that allow for deeper, clearer communion with inter-dimensional beings and multi-dimensional aspects of oneself.  

I am so blessed to be called to visit these sacred places and meet the very special people who are called to interact with them and care for them.  This concept of developing, nurturing and stewarding sacred lands that are meant to function as vibrational gardens feels like one that I am meant to share with the world - particularly with the humans who are being called to steward these places and use their creative abilities to enhance the vibrational gardens' evolutionary capabilities.

My profound gratitude goes out to all humans who recognize and care for their land as being sacred and an important piece of of the living Gaia.


Monday, 26 October 2015

Trees - Providing Visuals of Jagadhita

I spent a lot of my five days and nights in the cabin lying down on my mat, undergoing a complex process of energy exchange that I can best describe as feeling like a huge ongoing vibrational transfusion.   I could feel all sorts of intense, high vibrational earth and spiritual energies flowing in and out of my physical body and energy fields.

My EarthSong work has taken me to all sorts of sacred spots on this Earth for exchanging energy and electromagnetic information with each location, but my experience of the energies in Waipi'o Valley was particularly powerful and transformative.

From my spot lying right next to a window (bless those screens!) I was drawn to watch a nearby group of trees.

I was intrigued with how there were several distinct varieties of trees, existing most happily and healthfully with their branches all intertwined and interwoven.

Their shared canopy was a mixture of at least three totally different types of leaves that created the feeling of one large, whole community of  "tree beingness."

When I sat up and turned around to look out the window that faced the river there was a single tree that emanated a strong energy of solitary being, deeply rooted and gave off a gloriously powerful presence.

Observing the magnificent energies that both the individual tree and the community group of trees gave off I was reminded of the concept of Jagadhita that I had learned about during my visit to Bali a year before.

As I understand it, Jagadhita is an ancient Balinese term that refers to holding both the well-being of the community and the well-being of each individual as being of equal importance.  When problems arise, all involved keep talking and negotiating until a solution is found that allows everyone involved to feel peaceful in their hearts with the final outcome.

I felt like the trees were given me a living, breathing, visual experience of the concept that soaked in deeply over the five days of my time down within Waipi'o Valley, communing with the ancient energies that live there.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Call to Waipi’o Valley

First Call
I felt the invitation to Waipi’o Valley when I first landed in the Kona airport back in August (2015).  In the airport lobby, a brochure for horseback tours into the valley sang out to me, the picture of the lush valley floor and steep canyon walls calling out and inviting me to come visit.  My ten weeks of communing with other sacred spots on the Big Island helped prepare me for my Waipi’o experience in mid-October.

The Rim
The way to get to Waipi’o opened up very magically and abruptly.  I was gifted with a ride from one side of the island to Waipi'o and guided to a place to stay on the rim with Colleenah.  I arrived in pouring rain, feeling very disoriented and wobbly.  Early the next morning Colleenah very abruptly, out of the blue, announced that when she was called to something, she just dove right in, and that I should be ready to leave in 5 minutes and she would drive me to the Waipi’o Valley Lookout and I could get on with it.  

Her manner was so intense, unexpected and so bizarre I figured it was probably meant to be, so I hurriedly threw together some water and food, a hat and umbrella, and raced out to where she sat waiting in the car, honking to get me going.

At the lookout, she dropped me off, quickly left, and still feeling really disoriented, I burst into tears - a mixture of emotions both the suddenness and abruptness with which she left me there to experience “whatever,” and with the huge, powerful flow of energy that was pulsing out of the valley welcoming me.

I walked down the the covered area to figure out what to do, and decided to just sit there and sing to the valley from the rim as the road down is extremely steep and slippery with all the storms that had been flooding the valley.

I stayed there under the overhang of the building and sang until I felt more in tune with the situation and aligned with the energies of the valley and then after a couple of hours got up to read some of the signs for visitors that gave important information about the valley, and its history as home to Hawaiian royalty.  One of these talked about the concept of respecting the valley land and waiting to be invited to come down to visit. 

I asked within if I was complete and should head back to Colleenah’s but got “no” there was someone for me to meet.  Soon a very beautiful, peaceful, calm woman came and stood with a friend, chatting, right in front of me.  From the little bit I overheard, it was obvious that she was local and well acquainted with the deeper energies of the area. 

I said, “I think I need to talk to you?!”  I told her I was feeling called to go down and stay for a few days in the valley and did she know of anywhere I could stay down there and be both welcome and safe? 

Waipi'o Valley is known for it’s intense energies that amplify whatever vibration you take down into it.  It’s said to be a dangerous place for those who carry large amounts of density, toxicity and negativity.  Likewise, those who come in joy and gratitude to honor the land and the spirits of the valley can have very profound, magical, blessed experiences.

She suggested that I walk a ways down, that there was magic available and I might meet someone who lived in the valley along the road, even if I didn’t go all the way to the valley floor.   I felt ready to give that a try, gathered my stuff and set out down the steep, narrow incline that only 4-wheel-drives can navigate safely.

The Guardian Stone
I walked as far as my legs could handle and felt that’s enough and asked “do I need to go further and got ‘no,’ so I turned to climb back up the hill.  After a few steps, I realized that that didn’t feel quite right and asked if should I go back to the top?   I got ’no,’ and that confused me until I realized I was standing next to this big boulder that I had felt been calling out for my attention as I walked down.

As I approached the stone, I was filled with the knowing that it was a guardian stone, a portal of some kind.  It felt to me that it acted as sort of a megaphone for communicating with the energies and entities of the whole valley.  So I sent my greetings from all the lands where I have traveled and sang my deep Aloha and respect to the valley.  I stated that I felt I had been called and wished to come down for a few days, but that I would need a place to stay where I could feel peaceful, safe and be undisturbed.  So if I was meant to come down and commune, please help me to find a place to stay.   And if I were deemed not energetically ready to visit yet, to please accept my deep love and gratitude for my experience of the valley from right where I was.  And I sang my aloha to the valley as deeply and fully as I could.

Climbing back up to the rim, I spoke with the ranger who had heard Colleenah describe to me where she lived in order to get directions back to her place.  Either he misdirected me or I misunderstood, because I ended up walking a long ways along a road that I didn’t remember ever being on before.  But when I tuned in, my guidance was to keep going, even though I appeared to heading out into the countryside on a main road and away from the neighborhood where Colleenah lived.  

Finally I spotted a little snack shack type place and grateful walked over to it and asked the proprietor, Tony, if he knew where Cemetery Road was, that I was trying to find Colleenah’s place.  He lived just a few houses away from her and kindly gave me directions.  Before I left, I asked if he happened to know anyone who had a place in the valley where I might be able safely stay alone and commune the energies of the valley in peace and quiet.  He said he had a place that was still under construction, but that I could stay there for a couple of nights and he would take me down in the morning.

Electric Storm Preparation
I found my way back to Colleenah’s and that night we had the most incredible lightening storm I have ever experienced in my life.  It lasted for hours and hours.  A bit of thunder and a bit of rain, but mostly this incredible light show that went on and on.  It felt like an electric re-calibration of the energies of the valley and of myself.  I later discovered this tremendous electrical storm had been widespread over the whole island.

The Cabin
In the morning, Tony drove me down to his place, a simple cabin still under construction.  I discovered my little piece of Paradise was covered with 4 inches of freshly deposited mud - silt that had been left behind by the recent flooding.  

We squished up to our ankles in places in order to unload my stuff and carry it into the cabin.  

I was incredibly grateful to get all my luggage safely deposited inside without any of it (or either one of us) ending up in the mud.  Finally settled in on the valley floor, my experience of the magic and power of Waipi’o continued to unfold. 

Friday, 23 October 2015

Rapid Unfolding

Greetings from Waipi’o Valley, Big Island of Hawaii!

I was drawn to take a picture of this plant the very first time I looked out the window and saw its huge leaves turned up to catch the sun filtering through the neighboring trees.

The second day I realized that a new leaf had formed and was growing very rapidly with the life giving mixture of rain/sun/rain/sun we were experiencing in the valley.  I thought that was interesting after the download I had gotten from the Mother Cave about opening to our brand new abilities in each moment.

Once I realized what the plant was doing, I started checking on its progress several times a day.  Its growth and rapid unfoldment seemed a visual mirror of what I was experiencing within myself while living within the potent energies of the very sacred valley.

I watched carefully for the moment when the leaf opened to embrace more of the world than it had been able to do while wrapped around itself.

When I checked in the morning on the day that I left the valley, I was happy to see it was wide open, still wearing its new green color, but full sized and just about ready to take its place as a mature player in the plant's life.

Blessings to you all during these times of rapid unfoldment!

Leslie Lightfall