Greetings from Banyon Tree Sanctuary, Big Island of Hawaii!
I invite those of you who feel called to do so to link up with us energetically to gift energy to the Earth on the coming New Moon. A small group of people will joining me here at Banyon Tree Sanctuary to create a Sound Sculpture celebrating the New Moon on Monday afternoon, Oct. 12th. Time of the New Moon is 2:08 pm Hawaiian time (12:08 pm, Oct. 11th in NZ). We will be working on the lower slopes of Hualalai, one of the smaller volcanoes here on the Big Island, to bring in the highest, finest frequencies that are most needed at this time at this particular place on the planet.
It is most exciting how everything is unfolding with my EarthSong work. I am now available to do different sorts of individual, group, and onsite Creational Sounding sessions. For information about this work, you are welcome to check out EarthSong Energy Work.
In the past couple of days I have also had a couple of key pieces for the continuing development of the High Tide movies drop in my lap, which is quite thrilling.
One of these pieces is the discovery of the Michael Tyrrell’s Wholetone music. I was blessed to be able to hear his CDs and read his book while staying in Wood Valley with S last week. The research Michael has done and the music he has created are incredibly important and I know that all the music that is used in the High Tide music will be recorded based on these healing, enlightening frequencies. Here are the links to two of his videos on Youtube:
I also want to share this drawing with you:
I was surprised that the tiny hearts were green. Then I realized the message was that ascension doesn’t have to be about huge catastrophic events. It is about bringing healing, compassionate love to each little interaction, moment-by-moment, encounter-by-encounter. With a kind word here, a hug there, a smile, that we all help to birth the New Earth and the New Humanity.