Friday, 17 November 2017

New Moon - Hokianga, New Zealand

Greetings from the Hokianga, North Island, NewZealand!

I feel so blessed to be here on my good friend Pania’s land, staying in her little house truck parked right next to the house.  The land here speaks very loudly and it is calling to be allowed to be itself, to serve as a peaceful sanctuary.

It is a place where people can come to easily commune with the spirits of the land: the Elementals, the Ancestral spirits and Ancient Ones and the Celestial beings that flow through this place.  Particularly in the part of the property that is native bush, you can feel the lively conversation between all the different life forms going on.

I sang/toned the very first night I was here, trying to shift vibrational states after an intense19 hours in travel mode, dealing with airports, international security procedures, and flights.

I was amazed to feel how the land here engaged with my sounds and how I could experience the vibrations I was making in an almost visual type of way as well as kinesthetically.  It was absolutely stunning to feel what is possible to experience when interacting with healthy land in these new, higher frequency energies in which we are all now immersed. 

For those of you who connect with me, I’ll be here in the Hokianga, facilitating a toning circle for the New Moon.  We will be consciously setting our intention for what we want to create during the coming lunar cycle.  

Our main focus will be on gifting our loving human energy to Mama Earth here in this healthy spot.  Using our own vocal sounds to send energy to the Gaia organism, so that she can receive it, transform it and send it where it is most needed on the planet right now. 

Blessings to all,

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